Next, couch the outlines with double thickness of the colour you'll be working the lace in. I have used 1 strand of pink for the couching (visible easily on the photo of the back... Note: you can see where I drew it wrongly and that's why it's the back and not the front so don't be confused by the pen marks).
The couching holds the shape in place and the shapes you put there will end up being what you get. Which needs to be considered if you go wonky.
Now, stitch across and back etc., catching the edges at each side. Easy! It truly is.
When you've put the structures in, take the couching off. This takes ages and is really boring!
I have folded over the excess border fabric to get it out of the way.
You don't need to use a fabric border for support. It can simply be a border of lace. I'd probably make it thicker. Look at some books. The library isn't a heap of help but you never know. One of the best ever books for pictures (no instructions) is 'Lace, History and Fashion' by Anne Kraatz, published by Thames and Hudson.
Ask if you want some help, but give it a go, it IS easy. I know I always say that but I'm not kidding.