I thought a knitted lining for the cuffs would look fantastic (and it will), so with the aid of the knitting calculator, I figured out the exact knitting increases etc. to do it. That was easy-ish. I found a couple of brilliant knitting books at the Oppy and found a favourite cable design and worked out how many repeats and how much either side etc. etc. Then, I lost my place and missed a crucial step in the cable and had to pull it back, which turned into a mathematical nightmare! I couldn't figure out where I was up to. Crikey!
And the only wool that suited is 2 ply! Of course.
It's all good now. Excepting that the jacket pattern needs adjusting.
What began as a simple thing - To Make A Jacket - had turned into a course in Patternmaking, an elaborate Brain Stretch in knitting design, a deeper understanding of Cable Methods, some very pretty new knitting needles and as yet no jacket! Ha ha ha! Perhaps my new, fit, boxer-cise body will be ready when the jacket is ready!
I said to the One True that it looked like he'd been beaten up or maybe fell of his bike, and he thought he needed a bandaid and some stitches. Still seems happy enough, even without counselling.