The most beautiful tree. Inadvertantly it is our anniversary today, so I'm claiming it as another really good omen. Fun in the garden. A good and bright future etc. etc.
I'm on a bit of a roll. I just love this greyed blue and cherry red together. The intention was to make another with plain stripes... I suppose it is just stripes.
I'll hand quilt this one too, like the green and orange one. It will suit better than just ties, me thinks.
Off to see little daughter and littlest baby grandson soon. Can't wait for my week to fuss, after Daddy goes back to work in a few weeks.
My daughter Ruby is fine and so is baby. Born on the 20th, 6lb 11oz, fair and kind of mini-chunky! 12 days early. I worry so much (but keep it inside and under freak-out) there's a big wave of emotion when it's all good! Sniff! So darling, these little one's, including my baby Ruby.
I bought this old baby's blanket, years ago, and thought I'd copy the puppy for newest baby boy. My fella's not so muscley and really not so manly(dogly), but it's still ok. I'm sure a little boy will love it still. The One True suggested 'rrup!'.
It's so old fashioned. A proper 1950-60's pram blanket.
All from The Stash too. 10 points! Heavy woollen blanketing.
I've had this green knitted wool for years and love it so much it's hard to use. Ridiculous I know, and I have enough bits left to . I suspect it will be for my eldest grandson's Wagga. The red-orange is from an old cardigan. Both are fine knits and the blanky feels lovely and snuggly. The back is cotton T-shirting. It's quilted with 2 ply wool, quite coarsley.
This is for the cradle, if that where Ruby wants to use it. I made a few sets of sheets too, two with wavey hems at the top for fun. Some in crisp white cotton poplin, and blue T-shirting.
88cm wide and 100cm long, or 34 1/2 x 39inches or therabouts.
Grrr... Just got a phone call from work (today is my last day of holidays) and what I'm doing tomorrow is dread worthy.