Yesterday I went to Berwick market (in Victoria, Australia) and discovered the most gorgeous jewellery stall there! It's all made using vintage hewellery and bits and bobs, by a lovely lady who's name I did not get. Sorry! But I did go back and get her card. You can find her here at madeit. The pictures don't do justice to the reality.
It's really just the mood I want at the moment. Old fashioned, Daggy in a funky kind of a way... Colourful without being bright... and looks lovely with my lovely new jacket, which, by the way, is so comfortable and sturdy and solid. I love wearing it, even if when I get a geek at myself in a shop window (something I try to avoid) my bum is so huge as to be demoralising. Not the jackets fault and hopefully I'll be starting gym soon. But, I will henceforth always reinforce the panels of a jacket with interfacing and I will employ pad-stitching.
I read yesterday that the style has been referred to as Librarian Chic.