These curtains are so much fun to do. Note the calendar bits with Mum and Grandma's birthdays highlighted. Mum, Grandma and I used to do the sewing thing together. We were always comparing notes... so it was only a matter of time before Mum got intot he curtains. And there's an old hanky from my childhood. The daisy fabric is 100% Pure Nylon (Grandma loved it) but I bought it recently. It's the real deal... old and all that. I've saved the top bit of the Moo-moo to make myself something. Too beautiful!
I had the grand kiddies on Saturday (and Friday night). Amazing how well behaved they are for Grandma. Baby goes to bed and doesn't get up through the night. Daughter shakes her head and casts them a sideways glance... but it was ever thus. I took Sadie and sat her on my knee in my sewing room and told her that it was OUR sewing room. She's only 1 but I think she knew what I meant.
Little boy was a bit sick and fluey, so I printed out some of pilllpat (agence eureka)'s fantastic diorama's and gave him the sticky tape and some scissors.
Hint: If you send the Flickr picture to yourself, you can then save it to documents and print it from there. Otherwise it won't work. I've just linked it to her Flickr account because if you look at them all you'll be missing out.