A button from my Grandmothers collection. I have three, and wondered if I ought to break up the set... but what else am I going to use them for? This is Zoe's great-grandmother's button!

See how I've added a row or two of crochet to make the base larger? That's because I forgot to allow extra size in the base and lid to compensate for the seams. You need to add an extra 1cm to each side for the lid and base. My lid is bigger than the pattern here. YES, I'll redraw it and blog it correctly, but just so you know.

I Have yet to make the button and tie catch. You can see them on all others if you click on the CROCHET tag at the bottom of this post.
Inside pieces:

Outside pieces:

I thought this design might be a bit easier for people to make as a starter. Also, it's cute, and traditional. The base and lid are made using equilateral triangles. You just draw the lines at 60 degrees apart and measure how side you want it. But use this if you want. I haven't cropped the pattern picture so the size should be right for A4.
Top is 10 1/2 cm wide (amended size), sides are 12cm tall. Don't forget to make the lid and base bigger. I promise I'll fix it soon.
I still have the one my Grandmother made for me in the early 60s!!!
I am inspired now..
wow! I have always wanted to make one of these cause my grandma used to make them. what sort of plastic do you use? thank you so much for the tutorial.
Where's the finished photo? What's it's for anyway?
Yet ANOTHER cute box! I'm still hunting for pictures to use! Thanks for sharing :)
It's for hankies! Of course. Or Things of Improtance.
This is so cute . I saw it on Raverly and would really like to make one .
Do you print the pictures out on card stock? Where is a good place to get cute pictures like the kitten ones you use? My daughter would love those.
Thanks for sharing this !!!
I have been looking for instructions to make one of these for ages! I have one that my Nanna made, and would love to replicate it. Thanks ever so much!
I have been looking for this pattern for so long. I was taught by my grandmother many years ago. I made a few back then, but have since lost the pattern. I found one at a craft fair, but they would not give me the pattern. This is wonderful, I am so happy!THANKS!
This is beautiful, thank you so much for sharing! I was given a box like this at Easter years ago when I was a little girl, it was full of tiny Easter eggs and Maltesers. :-) I've never forgotten it.
Wow, you brought back memories with this one. One of my grandmothers made them for all of us in the early 50's. I am going to be carrying on the tradition with your help.
I used to make a box from old Christmas cards. I punched holes and tied it together some how. It looked like a house and you could lift one side of the roof to open it. I gave it as gifts, with cookies inside. Does anyone have that pattern?
I used to make boxes with Christmas cards and it looked like a house, with one side of the roof you could lift up to open. I would put cookies inside and use these as gifts. I punched holes and tied the sides together some how. Does anyone have a pattern for this? I think I got it out of Family Circle magazine years ago.
Bonnie, If you draw it for me and gove a rough size, I'll figure one our for you.
Birthday cards, wrapping paper and at this time of year... calendars
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