Thursday, April 24, 2014

We Make Doggies!

I bought the book 'We Make Dolls' for my grand-daughter for her birthday in January. The deal was I would make anything from it for her as well, then we could make some together... my Darling Little Princess was a bit (a lot) sabotagy at her little brother's birthday a few days before (jealous!), so I said she had to choose (or let him choose) one first, to make up for her naughtiness (hard to believe, but true) and learn not about not always being first (and preferably only).
So, apparently he chose this little dog. Pom Pom Dog. And my dear little Orange Blossom was gorgeous and happy and couldn't wait for him to see it and wanted me to do one for her cousin, who was staying with me too. And didn't mind at all about waiting for her Babushka doll.

Vintage velvet, vintage PJ fabric with cars (an important detail), vintage ears material.

Note the tail. Leif noted the omission so I put tails on them. It did look a little bit (a lot) rude, but that's not the thought of a Darling Little Boy.

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