Saturday, September 07, 2019

Gembrook Quilt Fair & Rug Hooking Demonstration Extroirdinaire

Anne and I (Robyne) braved the hail, wind, rain and freezing cold to get up to beautiful Gembrook for the CFA Quilt Fair. A mini stitches and craft type (indoor and cosy) event with loads of stalls and a raffle, in which Anne took 4th prize. She won a gift voucher with enough in it to purchase batting for a new quilt. We also were visited by old and very dear friends, whom we hope to snaffle for rug days and more chitter chatter.
Quite a few ladies were keen to begin rugging. It seems that people have had it earmarked for the future (which encroaching age makes you realise is now). This also was my story when I first met the gals.

The hall had three large canvas works with local themes. Also were what appeared to be children’s needleworks. Love the skate ramp seen in one of them!

A happy mess of fluff.

Go Anne!!
Our next get together is at Anne's on Sunday September 29th. The day after the grand final. Let us know if you want to come on 0410876096. Leave a message if I don't pick up!
Quite a few people picked up a copy of Miriam's brilliant book!

Katherine's and my magpies.

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